Team of over 40 years combined experience to guide you...
Free 30:00 minute review of your matter
Free 30:00 minute review of your legal matter.
30 min30 minPhone Consultation
Service Description
What is a Case Review?
A case review is a process by which a CBLF attorney meets with a client, or potential client to:
Discuss the potential case
To share insight regarding how information will be gathered and used in your case
To determine what additional information is needed to move the case forward
To assign actions and tasks to bring your complaint in a court of law
A case review can save you thousands of dollar and stress. At the end of your case review, the attorney will advise you of what options he believes you have and the best strategy to implement in your matter, moving forward with your action. A case review will allow you to draw on the knowledge of the attorney as well as to ask any legal questions you may have regarding your potential case.
Not all of our potential clients utilize case review, but this option is particularly important to minimize any unnecessary wholes in your case and determine whether you have a valid case or not.