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No COVID Vaccine, No Job? Here Are Some Options...

Writer's picture: Real World Senerios AgencyReal World Senerios Agency

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Private employers in nearly every industry are threatening to fire employees who refuse to take the Covid vaccine. From health care to food preparation to retail and even journalism (if you can call what CNN does “journalism”), workers who were considered “essential” last year are being terminated en masse this year. If you are an employee in Georgia who is being threatened with termination for refusing to take a vaccine that you don’t want to take, Chain Breaker Law Firm (CBLF) may be able to help you. First, let’s look at reasons why you might not want to take the jab. Then we’ll examine your legal options if you make a firm decision to refuse the mRNA vaccines. Please note that none of this article constitutes legal or medical advice. I don’t know anything about your individual situation, so these are just general statements. For individualized advice, consult your doctor or your attorney.

Reasons for refusing the jab

There appear to be many good, rational reasons for refusing the vaccine.

1. It isn’t really a vaccine. The CDC has admitted that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, which, to most people, is the raison d’etre of a vaccine. These vaccines were certainly marketed as preventing transmission. Joe Biden told the nation that if you get the jab, you won’t get the virus. Nobody agreed to take the polio vaccine thinking that they would still get polio, but the vaccine would lessen their symptoms. That is simply absurd. These drugs are not vaccines in the traditional sense, but rather experimental gene therapies whose long-term effects are still unknown because they have not been thoroughly tested. You are the guinea pig. And it is worth noting that there has never been a successful coronavirus vaccine because the majority of the animal died during animal trials. I’ll explain more about that below.

2. The side effects are potentially devastating.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) currently shows that there have been at least 12,000 deaths attributable to the Covid vaccines. Traditionally, only about 1% of adverse effects are reported to VAERS, so the actual number of deaths is likely much higher. Additionally, the vaccines appear to cause dangerous blood clots, Bell’s palsy, Guillain Barre syndrome, myocarditis, pericarditis and possibly infertility. The vaccine both contains, and causes your body to produce, the spike protein that is the heart of Covid-19. Studies are showing that, contrary to the drug makers’ claims, the spike protein does not remain at the injection site and instead travels throughout the body, collecting primarily in vital organs such as the heart, liver, spleen, ovaries, and testicles, among others. The spike protein is what causes the blood clots that are potentially fatal and appears to be cytotoxic (meaning that it kills your cells).

3. The vaccine might actually make the virus worse.

The phenomenon known as Antibody Dependent Enhancement can occur when a vaccinated person is re-exposed to the virus after their initial immunity naturally wears off. This can cause the immune system to overreact to the virus and go into overdrive, which is what kills the patient. This appears to be how most of the animals in previous coronavirus vaccine trials died.

4. Covid itself is not all that dangerous.

If you are generally healthy, do not have any co-morbidities or risk factors (such as obesity, smoking, suppressed immune system, etc.), then your chance of dying from Covid appears to be less than 1% and your chance of being hospitalized from it is less than 2%. Therefore, depending on your individual situation, you might reasonably conclude that your risk of a serious complication from the vaccine could be higher than your risk of a negative outcome from the virus itself.

5. There are viable, safer and more effective treatments available.

It appears that both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, when taken properly and possibly in combination with other drugs, are effective treatments against Covid-19 if applied shortly after the onset of symptoms. Obviously, you should consult with your doctor for proper dosages and combinations and prescriptions before taking any drug, but it does appear that these treatments are both effective against Covid and safer than the vaccines.

6. The mRNA vaccines were developed using aborted fetal cell lines.

If you have sincere moral or religious objections to using the bodies of aborted babies for medical research, then you should consider claiming an exemption from the vaccines on religious grounds.

Your Legal Options

If you decide not to be vaccinated despite your employer’s threats, here are some of your options:

1. Request an exemption.

You have a legally protected right to refuse drugs based on a medical condition that prevents you from being able to take the vaccine safely. To qualify for a medical exemption, you would likely need to provide proof of your medical condition. You also have a right to refuse drugs based on a sincerely held religious or moral objection. Your employer might claim that you must show membership in a church or some other proof of your religion, but that is not a requirement to claim the exemption. Watch our blog for further information on claiming a religious exemption in future posts.

2. Quit.

This is usually not a good option, as it typically precludes you from claiming unemployment benefits. If you have other job possibilities that do not require you to have experimental drugs injected into your body, however, this may be your best option.

3. Let them fire you.

If you have claimed an exemption but your employer has rejected it, then you have a choice to make. Either relent and allow your body to be injected with a potentially fatal substance, or be fired. If you are fired, you might have legal recourse against your employer. You may be able to claim unemployment benefits, but you might also have a cause of action against your employer for wrongful termination. Although Georgia is a “right to work” state that allows employers to hire and fire for any reason or no reason at all, if you have an employment contract, are part of a union, or have any other type of private arrangement with your employer that governs your employment, then you might be able to sue for breach of contract.

4. Take the jab and then sue your employer if you have a negative outcome.

The vaccine makers are immune from liability for their products. This fact alone should give pause when considering whether to take a vaccine. If the manufacturer refuses to warrant the safety and efficacy of their product, how can anyone else have confidence that this product is safe and effective? But if your employer coerces you into accepting the vaccine under threat of termination, then you might have a cause of action against your employer. You must clearly document, through emails, letters, etc., that you do not trust the vaccine and are taking it under duress and only because you cannot afford to lose your job. It also helps if you have requested an exemption and it has been refused.

These vaccines are not right for everyone, so mandating that everyone take them is just plain wrong, in every sense of the word. Because the big pharmaceutical companies have convinced politicians to shield them from liability, your legal options are limited if you are injured by their experimental drugs. However, you might have some very interesting legal options against an employer who forces you to get jabbed or lose your job. If you are in this type of situation, please contact Chain Breaker Law Firm immediately. We will set up a consult with one of our attorneys who can advise you on your unique situation. Take care, stay safe, remain skeptical of those in power, and always, always follow the money.

by CBLF on July 21, 2021

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